
arrogance prosperity

"Arrogance is the outgrowth of prosperity."

— Plautus (254-184BC)

midle road

"In everything the middle road is best."

— Plautus (254-184BC)

wine feet wrestler

"This is the great fault of wine; it first trips up the feet: it is a cunning wrestler."

— Plautus (254-184BC)

middle course excess trouble

"Modus omnibus in rebus, soror, optimum est habitu;

Nimia omnia nimium exhibent negotium hominibus ex se."

("In everything the middle course is best: all things in excess bring trouble to men.")

— Plautus (254-184BC)

expenditure income

"Let not your expenditure exceed your income."

— Plautus (254-184BC)

day waer sun moon night purchace free

"The day, water, sun, moon, night - I do not have to purchase these things with money."

— Plautus (254-184BC)

practice preach

"Practice yourself what you preach."

— Plautus (254-184BC)

gods love dies young health sense judgement sound

"He whom the gods love dies young, while he is in health, has his senses and his judgments sound."

— Plautus (254-184BC)

age capacity wisdom

"Not by age but by capacity is wisdom acquired."

— Plautus (254-184BC)

busy employed procure ship woman trouble

"The man who would be fully employed should procure a ship or a woman, for no two things produce more trouble."

— Plautus (254-184BC)

deeds words

"Let deeds match words."

— Plautus (254-184BC)

man wise himself

"No man is wise enough by himself."

— Plautus (254-184BC)

woman paint food salt cosmetics vanity

"A woman without paint is like food without salt."

— Plautus (254-184BC)

unexpect result rule exception

"Unexpected results are the rule rather than the exception."

— Plautus (254-184BC)

celebrate wine sweet words

"Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words."

— Plautus (254-184BC)

patience remedy trouble

"Patience is the best remedy for every trouble."

— Plautus (254-184BC)

game lose win

"There are games in which it is better to lose than win."

— Plautus (254-184BC)

unexpected happen frequent wish

"Things we do not expect, happen more frequently than we wish."

— Plautus (254-184BC)

New Clippingfall in love fate leap rock

"He who falls in love meets a worse fate than he who leaps from a rock."

— Plautus (254-184BC)

heaven friend

"Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend."

— Plautus (254-184BC)