José Ortega y Gasset

life collision future sum been yearn be

“Life is a series of collisions with the future; it is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be.”

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

living process decide going to

“Living is a constant process of deciding what we are going to do.”

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

metaphor fertile power

“The metaphor is probably the most fertile power possessed by man”

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

Yo soy yo y mi circunstancia

“Yo soy yo y mi circunstancia.”

("I am I and my circumstance")

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

live think survive

“We do not live to think, but, on the contrary, we think in order that we may succeed in surviving.”

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

I am circumstance save myself

“I am I and my circumstance; and, if I do not save it, I do not save myself.”

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

thinking desire gain reality idea

“Thinking is the desire to gain reality by means of ideas.”

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

surprise wonder understand

“To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand.”

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

effort hurt

“Effort is only effort when it begins to hurt.”

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

technology unlimited possibilities empty fprmalistic logic life

“just because of its promise of unlimited possibilities technology is an empty form like the most formalistic logic and is unable to determine the content of life. That is why our time,being the most intensely technical,is also the emptiest in all human history.”

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

times human reality mobile accelerate decent fall

“There are, above all, times in which the human reality, always mobile, accelerates, and bursts into vertiginous speeds. Our time is such a one, for it is made of descent and fall.”

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

I myself circumstance live think

“I am myself and my circumstance. I live therefore I think.”

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

philosopher barber guild cut hair split

“In a way the philosopher and the barber are of the same guild; the barber cuts hair and the philosopher splits hairs.”

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

abstract instrument see concrete

“The abstract is no more than an instrument, an organ, to see the concrete clearly.”

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

man treasure mistake piled up thousands years

“Man's real treasure is the treasure of his mistakes, piled up stone by stone through thousands of years.”

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

time man cabable creation not know create

“We live at a time when man believes himself fabulously capable of creation, but he does not know what to create.”

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

past ought do avoid

"The past will not tell us what we ought to do, but... what we ought to avoid."

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

stupefaction persist stupidity

"Stupefaction, when it persists, becomes stupidity."

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

morality correct mistake instinct love

"With morality we correct the mistakes of our instincts, and with love we correct the mistakes of our morals."

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

study history fall back escape

"We need to study the whole of history, not to fall back into it, but to see if we can escape from it."

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

living postpone ready

"We cannot put off living until we are ready."

― José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)