Rick Sundberg FAIA

AIA Seattle Medal of Honor 2013
Richard Sundberg FAIA (BArch UW 1966) worked with Ibsen Nelsen and Associates for seven years before joining the firm of Olson/Walker in 1974.  As a principal at Olson Sundberg Kundig Allen Architects, Rick designed notable and much-decorated work in Seattle and beyond.  His portfolio includes the Wing Luke Museum, the Frye Art Museum, and the Seattle University School of Law.

The AIA College of Fellows inducted Rick in 1996, recognizing the national significance of his achievement to advance the profession in the area of design.

Rick describes himself as "fascinated with urban settings and the mystery of what makes cities work."

A Mayoral appointee to the Board of the Seattle Monorail Project, he has also served as chair of the Seattle Design Commission (1997-2000) where he represented the City in providing design counsel for such notable projects as the Seattle Downtown Library, the Experience Music Project, and the expansions of the Seattle Civic Center and the Washington State Convention Center.