Don Carlson FAIA

Don Carlson FAIA (BArch Kansas State University 1968, MArch UCLA 1972) served in the US Army Corps of Engineers 1968-70, and associated early in his career with Frank O. Gehry, HOK, and Charles Kober Associates in California.

He originally established the firm most recently known as Carlson Architects in Seattle in 1984.  Early work including Larry's Markets in various communities around Puget Sound received national critical attention, publication, and awards.  The firm's work has consistently garnered commendation for "innovative, artful, and exuberant" design that "brings the art, craft and delight of architecture to ordinary projects."  "His aesthetic has a rationalist sensitivity and an industrial frugality which combines a variety of building elements and materials in a pure and irreducible manner."

Besides individual buildings, the range of the firm's work includes town planning, urban design, campus master planning, and custom homes.  Recent projects including the Sonics Practice Facility, Petaluma Factory Outlet Village, projects at Overlake and Lakeside Schools, the Beacon Hill Public Library, as well as urban design elements for Seattle's Belltown.

Community service has included
·King County Arts Commission, member and chair (1990-94)
·Kansas State University Professional Advisory Board (1989-2000)
·University of Washington Architecture Professionals Advisory Council
·AIA Seattle President 1999-2000
·President, AIA Seattle Fellows/Honors Council 2003-05

Thomas L. Bosworth FAIA sponsored his nomination to the AIA College of Fellows, which resulted in his elevation in 1994.

2003:  Carlson Architects:  Expanding Northwestern Regionalism
2015:  Donald Carlson Architect, Vancouver BC