David Coleman FAIA

The 2011 elevation of David Coleman FAIA (BArch RISD 1979) to the AIA College of Fellows recognized his professional achievements in design:  his crafting of a body of work characterized by an ability to take seemingly ordinary sites and modest programs and transform them into extraordinary spaces, timeless and evocative of place.

During his career, he has contributed to several movements of influence nationwide.  His early work in New England helped redefine that vernacular in a site-sensitive and expressive manner.  In the Northwest, David has carved out a niche as a regional modernist with a spare aesthetic and an inventive eye for form, material, and detail, in a range of projects by David Coleman / Architecture.

Recognition includes the publication of his work in a special issue of Architectural Digest, "AD 100:  An Exclusive Guide to the World's Foremost Architects," among numerous publications in books and periodicals, several television features, and online.  The Seattle Times/AIA Home of the Month program featured several homes designed by David, including residences selected as Home of the Year in 1998 and 2003.  He has designed buildings in eight states.

David shares his expertise with colleagues and the public via an active presence in academic, professional, and public policy institutions.