Harry's Mad

CHAPTER 15: Monopoly Differences & Baby Parrots

The Holdsworths once again get to play a game of Monopoly with Mad. Did you notice that the names of the properties are different in England than they are in America?  Check out the differences between the boards below. Finally, Mad and Fweddy are expecting a baby! Watch the video below to see what baby African Gray parrots look like.

American Monopoly Board

British Monopoly Board

"On Saturday they had a family game of Monopoly. Madison's battleship was in unbeatable form, collecting no less than three good sets (including, of course, the red one), and bankrupting them all." (p. 116)

"And there, to the Holdsworths' amazement, was a small, glistening, pearly white newly laid egg.

The three Holdsworths looked at Fweddy.

They looked at the egg.

They looked at Madison.

"Call me Fwedewika," said Fweddy.

"Call me dad," said Harry's Mad." (p. 123)