May I suggest watching his 1969 testimony to the Senate about federal funding for public television, episodes of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, and everyone’s favorite crayon factory tour.  You can also catch a glimpse of the 2018 stamp, of which I am still hoarding two full sheets…

There is a great documentary Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, a television special Mr. Rogers: It’s You I Like, an Oscar nominated movie A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, and a great Cheers to 50 Years website with lots of fun clips and quotes. 

On November 13, 2019, World Kindness Day, nurses at a Pittsburg hospital dressed newborn babies up in red sweaters.  Mr. Roger’s wife, Joanne, came to meet the babies.  Grab the kleenex and watch as the whole staff sings Won’t You Be My Neighbor? as she enters the hospital.

When museums open back up, you can visit Mr. Roger’s red sweater at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History.  I went to see the famous cardigan in 2018, and it was awesome!

Me at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History in 2018.  Oscar the Grouch with the photobomb!

Mr. Roger's cardigans were hand knit by his mother!