2023-12-12 DEC

An exploratory analysis intro do Metric Spaces, Assistant API, WebML advancing, Google Cloud AI

Journal Club

Intro to Metric Spaces

An Exploratory Analysis Intro do Metric Spaces

Focus on role in the analysis of multi-variate biomedical data

... such as Lee's work, and also object of web computing applications such as Clustergrammer https://www.nature.com/articles/sdata2017151 --> check https://esm.sh/clustergrammer 

Mathematical foundations:

in very few words: https://www.britannica.com/science/metric-space , more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_space 

most comprehensive: https://math.hws.edu/eck/metric-spaces <-- my favorite :-)

Topology: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/18-s190-introduction-to-metric-spaces-january-iap-2023 

bottom-up (tree-clustering, networks)

top-down (PCA, MDS)

in-between (SOMs, Lee, etc)

Cluster Viz at NCI: https://bioinformatics.ccr.cancer.gov/docs/data-visualization-with-r/Lesson5_intro_to_ggplot

An example for hacking a metric space with interactive bottom-up and top-down: https://youtu.be/LFzYi48gUks 

A JS proof of concept : https://sbu-bmi.github.io/featurescape/?nuclei1000.json 



it's becoming easier ...

at NCBI - https://ncbiinsights.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/event/ml-ai-solutions-for-biological-research-codeathon/ (talk to Rebecca Sensale about it)


WebML "Demo": https://webml-demo.vercel.app, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1sdWLr3TbI 


https://vercel.com/blog/announcing-v0-generative-ui - https://v0.dev 

De-arraying (Aaron)



WebML advancing, clientside langchain, update on ongoing projects. Preparing New Year's quo vadis powow