2022-08-31 AUG

Journal Club
review of two current topics

The cancer component

Sentient cognition - any CS here?


Recall preceding concepts, such as mind, and computational designs, like artificial life, and how AI related to them.

what about consciousness?
1) A blueprint for conscious machines

Arlindo L. Oliveira

May 24, 2022

PNAS 119 (23) e2205971119


2) A theory of consciousness from a theoretical computer science perspective: Insights from the Conscious Turing Machine

Lenore Blum and Manuel Blum

May 20, 2022

PNAS 119 (21) e2115934119



WebRTC backed P2P computing/learning - update, coordinated efforts - C4B "conference"?

gun.js, peer.js, ...

Debugging WebAssembly with modern tools - https://developer.chrome.com/blog/wasm-debugging-2020/

Debugging GO - https://blog.noops.land/debugging-webAssembly-from-go-sources-in-chrome-devtools
