2022-04-20 APR

FAIR Workshop: Box & RStudio

Time: Apr 20, 2022 09:00-12:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join ZoomGov Meeting


Taught by - Thomas Ahearn & Amber Hurson

Dear All,

Thank you for registering for the FAIR workshop on Box and RStudio. Please find the zoom link for the workshop below:
For the workshop we have shared a Box folder with you that contains workshop materials. Please let me know if you cannot access this folder.

As a reminder, since will be using RStudio at the workshop, please make sure you have R and RStudio installed on you computer. If needed, R can be downloaded here and RStudio can be downloaded here. Note, that R needs to be installed in order for RStudio to work.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

See you at the workshop!

Best Wishes,

Tom Ahearn and Amber Hurson on behalf of the DCEG FAIR Workshop Team