2019-11-20 NOV

Cohort cyber infrastructure (until at least 10:30)

This week started with two days of NCI Cohort presentations and working shops. Join us this morning downstairs at S101 if you can to hear how Confluence is relying on consumer facing Box.com to provide distributed infrastructure for an international consortium of breast cancer cohort studies. This will go from 8:00 to 10:30.

GitHub actions (10:30 onwards)

Gihub has released its workflow environment (actions) to enable a deployment environment with continuous delivery for devops (packages).

Github as a backend is not a new idea, see for example dolthub.com from liquid data systems, but it is one that may have just came of age. For more see the keynote in the recent GitHub Universe summit.

My first embarasing workflow below (click on pict). Note the workflow itself can run natively at github or at a cloud provider of your choosing, gcp firebase for example.

On that note, Google Cloud Next ongoing may be worth a close look, as well as alternative models, such as the decentralized dat model.

GitHub-based Project management

Daniel has been exploring this ecosystems, of which we only use the task panel. There is a lot more.