2021-11-03 NOV

Journal Club 10:30-12:30

Functional genomics approaches to understand genetic susceptibility to melanoma and lung cancer

WebEx credentials pasted in Gotomeeting chatbox

Hackathon 9:30-10:30

Visualizing autoencoders

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQv_lswBeZw , tool at https://douglasduhaime.com/posts/visualizing-latent-spaces.html

Data Platform

... Ben, Tom, etc?

Recall central feature - leave governance alone (i.e. user-facing, resolved as part of the interoperability mechanism).

Observable Data Science Platform

epiverse (yes, just like facebook:-P )

So we have regular accounts (episphere, your own) and a Teams account. Let's compare them, say, by connecting to BigQuery.

let's compare public https://observablehq.com/@episphere/cloud with private https://observablehq.com/@epiverse/cloud.


Praful's modularization challenge, maybe reflecting a broader discontinuity in ES6?