2019-08-28 AUG

Cloud Access

Martin ...

Genomics Pipelines (Bari Ballew? [Bari is awesome])

Questions - how much stock would you put on "universal callers" such as https://www.nature.com/articles/nbt.4235?

+ Here are some assertions from google (this is a bit old): https://ai.googleblog.com/2017/12/deepvariant-highly-accurate-genomes.html

+ Its probably worth noting that Andrew left his position as CSO of DNANexus to go work for Mark DePristo.

+ Its also probably worth asking Justin Zook to come speak at one of the cloud4bio sessions if there is interest in this. He can speak about it at length. He's out of town this week, but Ben Busby can invite him for sometime in September or October if there is a spot.

+ Speaking of October, just in case I havent posted this yet heres a pre-ASHG Structural Variant Hackathon at Baylor (looking at you, Bari [the third member of the SVCC]): https://www.hgsc.bcm.edu/events/hackathon

Michelle Doose

Is a fellow interested in matching care availability with need, and VA is one of the data sources she's interested in exploring further.


SAS Viya (Nicole)


