2020-04-22 APR

Joe Balsamo

A tour of the consumer-facing development of web applications.

Thank you Joe :-)

Computational Genomics

What is going on already in our GCP env, and what is heading there

SRA (Daniel)

pulling splitSeq single cell data from SRA (GSM3017260) current: download and process on the biggest machine I have access to. Desired state: use the data which is already in gcp and run a pipeline with DataFlow.

Confluence (Wendy, Brian)


From Terra to GCP (Jeya, Daniel, Praful, Jonas)


Quest update (Nick)




Can PWAs do Electron for Confluence?

Web FS etc (Bhaumik, Brian, Jonas, ...)

Example: https://googlechromelabs.github.io/text-editor/

PubSub (Daniel)
