2019-11-13 NOV

Chrome Dev Summit 2019 (Bhaumik and Praful attendance report)

It's all online: https://developer.chrome.com/devsummit/schedule (link to session will include youtube video of session)

Google origin trial: - https://developers.chrome.com/origintrials/#/trials/active

Timeline of new feature/API release https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1de0ZYDOcafNXXwMcg4EZhT0346QM-QFvZfoD8ZffHeA/edit#gid=557099940

GitHub Universe



Last week we looked aft FaaS as something that is triggered by and http request (i.e. an API!), this week we'll look at wrapping the same as a command line interface (CLI). A great example of a bioinformatics cli is DNAnexus, which Steve almost demonstrated a few weeks back. Here is bit forward to this week:

dnanexus (Steve)

We now have folders in both East and West ... Steve will show us how we move partners data around and how much it (does not) cost. At least until/if he moves data to biowulf ..

1. the cli (dx)


2. dev environment


Steve is going to talk about this at the Dec 10th biostat meeting - details forthcoming ...

Create your own cli

for example ... https://www.npmjs.com/package/cli

GCP autoML

Automated deep learning as a managed service in Google Cloud will have a hands-on full day in the main campus Dec 6 .

Let's have a first look: https://cloud.google.com/automl.

Link: GCP Big Data & Machine Learning Fundaments – Friday, December 6, NIH Main Campus Building 10, NIH Library
