2019-10-16 OCT

ES6 retreat

With node12 completing the availability of ES6 everywhere the time is nigh to review it. This session will take place across three different Data Science/DevOps groups at NCI, SUNY StonyBrook, and Catholic Health Services NY. Please add the topics you want to cover, and/or add your name + links, reference material bellow.

General Reference

podcast: https://devchat.tv/js-jabber/jsj-398-node-12-with-paige-niedringhaus




Object de-structors


1. Destructuring Arrays and Objects into Variables. Example - Swapping without temporary variables!

2. Functions - Destructuring return values directly

3. Renaming variables while destructuring.

4. Assigning default values (Works even while setting arguments in function declarations)

5. Nested Destructuring (& renaming)

6. The Spread operator




Joe Balsamo







Components and full-stack applications via hyper.

Domain immersed, cloud hosted, no-code applications ready for ... coding ? (for ex https://webflow.com)\



Bring Your Own Bioinformatics will be meeting from 12-1pm next Tuesday (Oct 15th): (RECORDED)

Cloud Computing for Big Data: NCI’s Data and Cloud Resources (SevenBridges) (Durga Addepalli & Dave Roberson)

NCI harbors pioneering research towards finding practicable treatments for the multiplexed issue cancer has become. Technological advances have helped solve and accelerate a big chunk of cancer research, however it comes with its own set of challenges and hurdles. Huge amounts of data generated from various NCI projects cache the possible answers and could be revealed if read, comprehended, related and translated in the right way. This in no trivial task in any aspect. NCI’s CRDC aspires to extract functional knowledge from these disparate cancer data generated from different NCI's programs, make it FIAR and enable means of reproducible research for the cancer community. The NCI Cloud Resources are components of the NCI Cancer Research Data Commons that bring data and computational power together to enable cancer research and discovery and facilitate this grand vision by providing and supporting a robust, secure, scalable and extendable infrastructure. The cloud resources break the traditional model of researchers and democratize access to NCI-generated data and efficiently and economically provide computational support to the cancer research community enabling data harmonization and interoperability. The NCI Cloud Resources have been developed and are hosted by The Broad Institute, The Institute for Systems Biology, and Seven Bridges.


In case you haven't already joined, a Slack workspace (with #general and #help channels) has also been created to facilitate discussions between members of the NIH bioinformatics community:

nih-byob.slack.com <-- slack for internal gitter for the (open source) world ?


Lunch Time Data Science showcase presentation Oct 16 - the github lifestyle

This is the first presentation of the user-facing hands-on series on Cloud+Web Data Science essentials ...

Presenter: Jonas Almeida

Room: 4E032/34

Time: 12-1pm

Remote: https://cbiit.webex.com/join/dealmeidajs

The github lifestyle for data/code-intensive collaborative research - 37 million users!

From code versioning to wikis, from content and project management to email-killer chat-based communications, github has emerged as the main platform for socializing collaborative development of code and data in science and technology initiatives. New features of github at hand for each of its 37 million users include serving code with APIs, user authentication, and the ability to host large datasets. These are in effect paving the way for painless Cloud adoption. This presentation will walk through these new features, which you already have in your github account and might have missed. We'll review how a couple of cohort studies at DCEG and a couple of external bioinformatics initiatives already use it. Bring your laptop if you can, and let's have a go. We'll give you time to set your github account if you don't have one already.