2019-05-08 MAY

GTex (Oscar)

Last week we found an index for observations in the sample resource. This week we'll review how to call the corresponding attribute values from the other API resources. This could be bow approached as a DSL, and as an API query language such as GraphQL.

Note in https://observablehq.com/@episphere/gtex aggregation library added and available. Notes on library development in order.

SAS Connect (Nicole)

Demonstration of SAS connector for DCEG's Connect API.


SAS git integration: https://blogs.sas.com/content/sasdummy/2019/01/17/git-in-sas/

GCP is coming

We'll be on-boarding Google Cloud Computing next week, no cloud4bio? (ATC? do you want to host it?)


We'll be talking about TensorFlowJS in a few weeks, if anyone wants to warm up your AI engines:

Training: https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/tfjs-training-regression/index.html#0

Example: https://observablehq.com/@chantelle-dsilva/cse522-project

LOINC on FHIR (Geeta)

https://loinc.org/fhir, this is the first time we talk about FHIR and terminologies for clinical observations. It would be interesting to know if we can adopt them for the new cohort studies. Let's have a go :-) - https://loinc.org/fhir/dev. This will also be a good opportunity to broaden the use of Postman for API exploration.

[Jonas] - https://observablehq.com/@episphere/loinc
