2019-03-27 MAR

AI-first development news

TensorFlowJS: from server to mobile


We had a demo yesterday, data and workflows at

Google has a serverless approach to computational genomics: https://cloud.google.com/genomics/reference/rest/

To paraphrase Jonas: "Serverless applications should be abstracted - users don't want to feel they are changing how they do their work."

Eric: what if we wrapped our serverless architecture in a familiar API, like: https://github.com/edawson/terraswarm

Serverless serverless.com


Data Science and Cancer Prevention Research (CPFP)

[Martin Skarzynski] CPFP Fall Training: Data Science and Cancer Prevention Research event we are planning for September 6, 2019.

Draft Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10IiaiyxuInqekTXHywp0GbrZitUKWLRPpBaEJ8ZoKsw/edit?usp=sharing

Do you need volunteer speakers? - Eric

Yes! Also, I would need volunteer speakers for the April training below - Martin

Data Science 101 (CBIIT)

Date: April 23

Time: 1:00 pm– 5:00 pm

Place: Shady Grove, Terrace Level


Rafael just organized a workshop and made the materials public

Can you share the link please? - Martin

Provocation warning: Praful (and me ...) may have a tidy challenge ... we think maybe tidy reflects something about functional pipelines where R fell behind ;-) https://observablehq.com/@jonasalmeida/tidy

Pangenomics Hackathon

Ben Busby is running a pangenomics hackathon at UCSC with about 45 people from all over the world. You can check out the progress here: https://github.com/NCBI-Hackathons/TheHumanPangenome. Perhaps more interesting are the discussions with folks from the Genome Reference Consortium https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/grc and elsewhere about storage and maintenance of graphs as genome references. There is an active debate about whether to store one graph that is updated periodically, one graph that is updated semi-dynamically, or multiple graphs. Projects like the Connect Study, TopMed and AllofUs have come up as examples of projects that may substantially alter subgraphs in one of the contexts above.

R<--> Box.com



So they do have an API ... https://github.com/ga4gh/task-execution-schemas