2022-10-19 OCT

Journal Club [Daniel Kapla] (30 mins)

Fusing sufficient dimension reduction with neural networks

Daniel Kapla, Lukas Fertl, EfstathiaBura



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TensorFlow.js Workshop - Part I [Jeya] (90 mins)

Outline (tentative)

  1. Why client-side TensorFlow?

  2. Tensors

  3. Image Tensors

  4. Pretrained models and model zoos

  5. Converting Python models into TF.js models

  6. Training models

  7. Backpropagation

  8. Perceptrons and multilayered perceptrons (manifold learning)

  9. Convolutions and pooling

  10. Supervised learning (convolutional neural networks)

  11. Unsupervised learning (autoencoders)

  12. Generative adversarial networks

  13. Tabular data analysis

  14. Transfer learning

  15. Federated learning

  16. Big data analytics

Today's session:

1/3 - https://observablehq.com/@jeyabbalas/getting-started-with-tensorflow-js

2/3 - https://observablehq.com/@jeyabbalas/tensors

3/3 - https://observablehq.com/@jeyabbalas/image-tensors
