2019-05-01 MAY

This is our first session at CGR so the plan is a bit different:

a) We need to explain how Cancer Genomics can be discovered programmatically by non-programmers (now that is a conundrum ;-) )

b) We need to geek-out a little to make sure we know how to "walk the last mile to FAIR" - paving over lack of SSL and compressed downloads in sources like The Broad Institute firebrowse and NCI's GDC, respectively.

Let's start with FireBrowse





What do you want to know? (your turn, but only after you created an account in Observable)

#1 - PSCA mRNA expression in Bladder cancer samples

Started at https://observablehq.com/@episphere/blca

#2 - your turn

your observable notebook

#3 - ...



Heres a notebook with hand rolled pretty viz, really just a POC: