2020-09-09 SEP

PLCO data, what and how

@/all Mitch is presenting https://exploregwas-qa.cancer.gov/plco-atlas (you can attend at webex of Statistics at the Frontier series, if you’re not there already :-) ) - note link for access at https://dceg2.cancer.gov/dups .

Mitch et. al presenting tool here at cloud4bio September 23 !

Cloud integration

from Connect to Confluence


Digital Pathology is heading there already...

How to approach it, as a client-side server? FaaS?

could be as C via https://www.npmjs.com/package/webassembly but one would lose live coding. Rust is popular, and relatively simple. Not sure what would count as a

AI that travels to the edge




Some of us have started training, it is now part of internship onboarding, should we approach this as team learning? Arguments for and against.

Moment in time

Full stack is dead ... and went to browser heaven ;-)