2021-03-24 MAR

Journal Club - 9:30-10:30

Lambert, S.A., Gil, L., Jupp, S. et al. The Polygenic Score Catalog as an open database for reproducibility and systematic evaluation. Nat Genet (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-021-00783-5

review notes

See also:

Chatterjee, N., Shi, J. & García-Closas, Developing and evaluating polygenic risk prediction models for stratified disease prevention. M. Nat. Rev. Genet. 17, 392–406 (2016).

____I (Jonas) just read the white paper for deep sparce learning, which is part of the basis for the Thousand Brains idea. I'd be happy to review it in a future journal club if there is interrest.____

Hackathon 10:30-11:30

Tile server


Full story at MedPath 2021

BigQuery Genomics


(let's take our time on this one)

FAIR onboarding of Stats&Epi

First Box, then BG?Compare your gitter notes on structuring it (Jeya, Daniel, Lorena ...)

Sandbox this Friday?

APIs for large files (test in Box and GCP Buckets)

FAIR on large files in Box from Biowulf by streaming

Lorena's challenge: https://nih.app.box.com/file/751586322923

  1. Calculate summary statistics (mean) on one of the variables.

  2. Serialize json version of the file.

  3. Move to BG and handle the traversal there.