2019-06-12 JUN

Connect (Nicole)

Snakemake - Introduction (Nicole)


(ETD - a survey of workflow languages is maintained here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1plkAsT_S3CzSeb7ivxyjRnHyrK3JclUCXeUMf_azraY/edit#gid=0. )

Gitter (Bhaumik)

Gitter is a chat messaging system integrated with github development. It is growing in popularity amongst open source developers, see for example Common Workflow Langiage, CWL https://gitter.im/common-workflow-language/common-workflow-language. It is less clear if we can use it in private conversations about public repositories, see for example https://gitter.im/episphere/confluence. Let's explore.

Jira (Geeta)



organize ...

https://nih.app.box.com/folder/78636583795 (note attractor towards portable tabular representation of forms by All-of-Us)

Catch loose ends of last week's CDC and SEER API calls from dashboards and first look a look at https://clinicaltrialsapi.cancer.gov