With picture books

Do you have any great lesson plans for teaching with picture books? Why not share them here!

Penelope Oliver-Sharp: Ruse PS

- presented at 10/2/22 PLCC AH PD 

Favourite Texts_ Part 1- The Island.pptx

Margot Lindgren: IBBY

- presented at 10/2/22 PLCC AH PD

PLCC Picture book talk MLindgren (Abridged).pptx

For your classroom colleagues - advocacy!

Picture books in mathematics examine big ideas through imaginative story-telling. They can motivate students by:

Teaching With Picture Books

Effective Strategies Here For You!! 

[2008 article]

Picture books for teaching the main idea

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Picture Books to Teach Sequencing & Beginning, Middle, and End

A pitch for the website Wonderopolis - but it is useful