Professional Reading

Don't leave your research reading behind just because you've finished the MEd (TL). Keeping up to date with current research may not make you the life of the party, but it will improve your advocacy and your practice.

If you know of recent research into the benefits of employing qualified library staff, or other relevant research to the role of the teacher librarian - particularly in Australian schools - please share by emailing the link/s to


Checklists for selecting quality texts

Updated 28 May 2021 

english-es1-s1-s2-s3-checklists-for-selecting-quality-texts - Copy.docx

The three spheres of library skills: best practice in library lessons: Marli Jorm

Scan Volume 42, Issue 1, 2023

Widening Teachers' Reading Repertoires: Moving beyond a Popular Childhood Canon (see link left)

Find here  Dr Merga's recent (2019-2021) peer-reviewed articles on school libraries and/or student literacy 

relevant 2019-2021 papers.pdf

Thank you, Dr Marga, for sharing your research finding free to the TL and  wider learning community.

Listen to Dr Merga's session at the 2021 PLCC conference HERE.


Mental wellbeing, reading and writing: how children and young people’s mental wellbeing is related to their reading and writing experiences    [2018]

Strengthening reading aloud practice to build a school’s reading culture

2021 School Library Survey - Australia, New Zealand and Asia Pacific reports and whitepapers

Search refereed articled for free; this link is from the search term, 'teacher librarians' (of course!)

Literacy Teaching Toolkit

Shared Reading

2021 article

Ten tips for creating an unforgettable school library

Published on: 26 April 2021

2019 SA libraries survey

A comprehensive list of Krashen's research, including free papers

Information Literacy, Young Learners and the Role of the Teacher Librarian 

Josephine Laretive, 2019

A link to an extensive collection of articles on advocacy support

How Reading Volume Affects both Reading Fluency and Reading Achievement 

Richard L. ALLINGTON  University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, US, 2014

Shared Reading

Mandy Lupton: Inquiry skills in the Australian Curriculum v6: A bird’s-eye view. Access, 28(4), pp. 8-29. 

This file was downloaded from: 

School Libraries Worldwide is the official professional peer-reviewed (refereed) research journal of the International Association of School Librarianship. Beginning 2021, SLW will be published on a rolling basis, online-only.

The learning modes for future-focused learning highlight different ways in which learning occurs. Each mode requires students and teachers to be interacting differently with space and each other.

When we are aware of, and can identify how we want learning to occur, it guides the decision making on the design of learning space and technology requirements that will best support the desired learning.

Space, furniture and technology can all help to enable learning modes that coexist or can be quickly and easily transitioned.

Learning mode posters

LM_Logo_-_Book (1).pdf

Keith Curry Lance and Debra E. Kachel: 2018

Anne Teravainen and Christina Clark: June 2017 

Suggestions for effective library advocacy

Making the case for libraries

Libraries matter

by Vanessa Boris | December 20, 2017

Hibbing_Rankin-Erickson_Visual Images.pdf

The Reading Teacher, Vol 56. No 8 May 2003

The Reason Boys Don’t Choose to Read ‘Girls” Books

School Librarians as Technology Leaders: An Evolution in Practice

Lois D. W

Journal of Education for Library and Information Science Online. 57. 207-220. 10.12783/issn.2328-2967/57/2/12 

Shannon Hale

I have published 30­ books over the past 15 years, and I have heard all this and much more in every one of the 40-plus states I have toured.

It is clear our culture assumes that boys are not going to like a book that stars a girl and men’s stories are universal, while women’s stories are only for girls.

Ideal libraries: A guide for schools 

How to Provide Less Structure for Independent Reading: May 2021

This post explains in simple and sympathetic language why decodable books have an important role to play in learning to read. 

Effective Instruction for Middle School Students with Reading Difficulties: The Reading Teacher’s Sourcebook

Article - understanding children's book classifications [US]

Five From Five is a community education initiative of MultiLit Pty Ltd that aims to improve literacy levels by ensuring all children receive effective, evidence based reading instruction. 

Has recommended professional reading recommendations.

Resources are available to purchase.

Building Student Literacy Through Sustained Silent Reading

by Steve Gardiner

5 Reasons to Promote Reading for Fun in Your Classroom

Kids & Family Reading Report            7th Edition

Position Statement on Labeling Books with Reading Levels

Adopted 07/18/2011 


Resources for teachers and students of the DDC

Arranging library fiction by genre

And random media mentions

School libraries hit by the loss of a dying breed as teacher librarians enter 'survival mode'

By Rebecca Carmody

Posted Sun

Sunday 15 September 2019 at 8:31am, updated Sunday 15 September 2019 at 3.23pm

Canberran is Australia's Teacher Librarian of the Year