Citing sources

Check here for APA 7 and other citation styles

Copy of Bibliography

My other note taking activity I do is a constructed lesson where I bring up a passage and we go through and highlight keywords/main ideas together. Then we go off and summarise it. I get kids who write heaps and kids that don’t do as much. But at least they all understood what they wrote and could talk about it. I told them there’s no use in writing information if it didn’t make sense to them.

Bibliography poster.docx

Research and Style Manual: Works Cited for Grades 1-6

Let's give some credit - lesson plan for Yr 2

Lesson ideas or resources

Jan Poona: Rooty Hill PS

Jan Poona How to Cite References simplified for primary school students updated.docx
Jan Poona Handouts for Citing using APA.docx

Gina Krohn: Glenfield PS - to print as A3

A3_book_APA referencing.docx