Professional library sites
Professional associations & related sites
The National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature Inc (NCACL) has a comprehensive collection of material about Australian children’s literature. The collection has books, artwork, ephemera and author and illustrator research files.
Collections, resources and more.
Registration is required by is free.
We have worked hard over the past 12 months to help support our members continue to offer services and support to the communities you serve. ALIA is here to represent you and support your career – every step of the way. Together we are stronger!
As a member, you belong to a vibrant community of information professionals ready to connect and exchange knowledge and ideas so don’t forget to update your details online so we can keep in touch.
Annual fee: $360 (full). See HERE for scalable fees.
The Australian Media Literacy Alliance is an unincorporated group of organisations whose objectives in the area of media literacy are closely aligned. The seven founding organisations have insight into content creation, information provision, education and media and information usage. They are able to bring other organisations to the table with specific expertise in these and other related areas.
Join SLANSW* or renew** your membership for the 2021-2022 year.
Membership is an annual subscription which starts from 1st July and ends on 30th June each year at a rate of just $110 (GST incl) for personal membership and $220 (GST incl) for institutional membership*** (entitles up to 2 staff to attend each professional learning event at a discount rate and 5 registered email accounts to gain access to the Members-only section of the website).
Our Vision defines the world that we are working to create in future. It provides a reference point across our activities, both for IFLA and for the library field as a whole, providing direction and inspiration for all that we do.
Our Mission sets out how IFLA works to achieve our Vision. Its words reflect everything that IFLA does in order to support its members and beyond, through providing tools and materials, a forum for discussion and learning, and advocating on your behalf, while also working to ensure the long-term sustainability of our Federation.
Our Vision, Mission, and wider Strategy are the fruit of IFLA’s Global Vision, which engaged tens of thousands of voices from more than 190 countries and all continents about the strengths and weaknesses of the library field.
National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA) is the peak body for the national, state and territory libraries of Australia and New Zealand.
Through collaboration, we deliver better collections, solutions and customer experiences than each library can do individually. We also contribute to more informed public policy, and share our knowledge and expertise to increase the professional capability of our staff and to build a workforce for the future.