Misc resources

Information skills booklet.pdf

Literacy - explicit teaching strategies - Stages 2-5

Effective reading in the early years of school

2021_bloom taxonomy.pdf

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KidLit TV is a winner of the Parents’ Choice Gold Award and has been selected as an American Association of School Librarians Best Digital Tool for Teaching and Learning.   [US site]

This has some interesting resources including the story mountain posters and helpful hints for writing.

From the website: http://www.communication4all.co.uk/ 

An extensive range of online stories         [US site]

Khan Academy: free global resources

These resources are created by groups of content and teaching experts, including university faculty, district and school specialists, teachers, and The Utah State Board of Education staff. 

Scroll down to find their OER Web Collections  for more great resources

World Map Bank - free downloadable resources

Sign up for a free teacher account

I'm not sure how you would use this site, but if you find a way to inspire your students by using the information - please share!

Just sayin' - some of these rejections are pretty brutal...