
A great guideline collection development with advice on weeding your collection from Barbara Braxton

Weeding is just as important as the initial selection of materials. It should be done regularly so the task doesn't become overwhelming. 

2007 article on weeding - see page 10

Weeding your school library collection

New Zealand National Library

2009 article: Using the CREW method to enhance public and school library collections






M = Misleading - factually inaccurate  

U = Ugly - worn beyond mending or rebinding

S = Superceded - by a new edition or by a much better book on the subject

T = Trivial - of no discernible literary or scientific merit

I = Irrelevant to the needs and interests of the library's community

E = Elsewhere - the material is easily obtainable from another library 

Library Journal

The Art of Weeding | Collection Management  [US site]

Last updated 2015

CREW weeding manual: follow the link below

ON LIBRARIES – Weeding and Leading

Hilda K. Weisburg: 2016 article