Primary Libraries: Creative Collaboration 


- connecting students with authors, illustrators and great books & proud to be associated with and a supporter of  Author Pen Pals

This site is a library resource bank.

It gives great returns on deposits!

This site will only grow if you share...

DoE schools, you are now required to have your principal's permission to share.

Homepage and resource bank for Our Primary Libraries: Creative Collaboration resources shared on the PLCC Facebook page and via email.

Email with your contribution.

Please ensure that any resource shared is able to be accessed by any visitor to this site - thank you.

Welcome to the homepage for 

Our Primary Libraries: Creative Collaboration 

The PLCC began with a one-off conference in 2018 in an effort to bring together the amazing enthusiasm and creativity of primary teacher librarians, to share the same space, swap ideas and resources, and to extend our professional learning networks by connecting with TLs outside our own Community of Schools. 

Annual conferences continued in 2019 - 2023 (with gaps, thanks Covid!) and were a full day of hands-on, participatory workshops. With each workshop led by new and experienced TLs from around the state, participants worked together to contribute to this bank of free, practical, relevant and readily applicable lesson material and library resources for a primary library

In 2023, the Advocacy & Action conference was the last conference planned. Instead, the PLCC will focus on offering free PD to TLs via the PLCC AH PD sessions, up to three times per term, as well as coordinating the Backpack Project which was launched in mid-2023. 

The PLCC will continue to support, connect and collaborate with teacher librarians across the country, and hopes you will continue to support, comment and share, always adding to the practical and professional value of this resource.

We hope you find this site useful if you are:

     or if you are looking for:

There is a lot of useful information on this site - use the search function to quickly find what you need.

The PLCC is on Facebook

Check us out... join us!

NEW and FREE elective PLCC PD available! See the Library PD page for details.

inuka is a charity established in Arusha, Tanzania by then 19-year old Maeve Turner, Gina's daughter.

One of our current projects is to build a library at Cheti 5 primary school. You can donate a book by following the link.

This site was created and is maintained by Gina Krohn, Teacher Librarian at Glenfield Public School

Your contributions are not only welcome, they are essential.

Site last updated:


Term 3 is Book Term!

How are you celebrating books this term?

The PLCC site is a work in progress. Please keep dropping back to see new additions or email your contributions or suggestions to

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