PLCC 2023 conference

Advocacy & Action

Monday 20 March 2023 

NSW Teachers Federation, Surry Hills

Keynote speaker: 

Dr Kay Oddone

Dr Kay Oddone has over 20 years of experience in the fields of education and information management and has taught at all levels from Prep through to Post Grad. She has experience as a Classroom Teacher, Assistant Principal, Teacher Librarian and Learning Designer. Currently she holds the position of Course Director and Lecturer for the Master of Education: Teacher Librarianship at Charles Sturt University. In her spare time she loves cooking curries and cuddling up with her dog Ruby with a glass of wine and a good book. You can find Kay on Twitter as @KayOddone, and read more about her work on her online portfolio at 

PLCC presentation 201222.pptx

9-11 am

Advocacy session hosted by Tristan Bancks and with expert speakers including Dr Kay Oddone (CSU), Dr Dr Kathy Rushton (Literacy and Numeracy Foundation), SLANSW teacher librarian Vicki Bennett, Jenny Atkinson from Littlescribe and James Jarick, Sylvania PS.

Workshop A: Swarovski Waterschool Program, aligned with the IFF - Hannah Gentle & Leonie Dufty

This session is available to conference attendees for a limited time. It is unavailable for general viewing.

PLCC workshop IFF intro presentation 20 Mar 2023.pdf

Workshop B: New TLs - Carmel Grimmett (not recorded)

Partnership Advocates

How partners can elevate your impact in the school.

Bloom Classroom

Britannica Education


This session is available to conference attendees for a limited time. It is unavailable for general viewing.

   12.30-1.20 pm

       Tristan Bancks

Tristan presents insights into the video, audio and other transmedia materials he has online and how he uses those tools in order to inspire students to read and to create.

1.20-1.40 pm

Sponsor talk with Lost in Books - Jane Stratton

Jane will discuss diverse books and how Lost in Books can provide professional development in this area for TLs

Jenny Atkinson, Littlescribe

Conference Sponsors

Major Sponsor

Britannica Online is providing a one-year subscription to a school whose principal or executive and TL both attend, in person, the 9-11am advocacy session at the conference.

Major Sponsor

Creative Kids Tales, the only NSW speaker' agency, has generously donated a (super) large quantity of quality books which will be won or gifted on the day.

Booked Out Speakers' Agency