PRC Gallery

Jo Love: Stella Maris Primary, Shellharbour 

Students have written their names with chalk on chalkboard vinyl purchased from KMart

Catherine Garnon: Catherine McAuley Orange 

Brooke Hagiwera: Kyeemagh PS

I have had a lot of fun creating it and have finally completed my PRC chart to encourage the students. As students get halfway their name will be written on a star and as they complete the challenge their face will be added to an astronaut. The larger astronauts are the Principal, Deputies and library staff. As this is my first venture as PRC coordinator I hope it works . We are also having a morning tea at the end of the challenge.  

Olivia Wolff: Jordan Springs PS

Jillian Shaw: Bargo PS

Michelle Adair: St Paul’s Primary, Rutherford 

Kellie Hoare: Woollhara PS

Amy Wales: Raymond Terrace PS

In readiness to celebrate my PRC Champions, I have created this display. Each student that completes the Challenge will have a brick added with their name and class, in the colour corresponding to our PRC stage labels. At the moment it's 'under construction', from March 1st there will be 'Students at Work' and hopefully, by the end if the year, a virtual wall of readers.