Australian blogs & podcasts

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Margot Lindgren

Momo celebrating time to read

Megan Daley

Children's Book Daily

Sophie Masson's writing blog

My aim here is to showcase at least one book each day until there is ' a year in a Prep School Library'. Usually the date will be the birthday of someone who is connected with Children's Literature. I have met my initial challenge to write about a book every day, so now I write much more intermittently when I have learned of a new birthday, special day, have had a wonderful teaching moment or have found a great new book. 

'The best books, reviewed with insight and charm, but without compromise.'

- author Jackie French 

The Children's Book Cottage is the home for children's books on Blackheath, NSW, and promotes Australian picture books and their creators

Barbara Braxton

The Bottom Shelf

Barbara Braxton

500 Hats

A comprehensive blog with excellent resources and insights

Tessa Woolridge - researcher, writer, reader 

Check out the new Library Learning Path, updated 2019

Look also at  the Two Chairs blog for great lesson ideas

Pete the Librarian

He writes. He draws. He teaches. He ...librarians.

Josephine Laretive:

Moriah CollegeSydney

Sue Warren's reviews

Joy in Books

The wonderful world of children’s books and more, including reviews

School Library Association of Victoria

For reviews that include a short outline of the story followed by a critical analysis of the book 

Kids and YA book recommendations

Yes! Booktopia has a blog!

Reviews by students; reviews for Yr 5 and 6; picture book reviews

Kelly Ilich

Includes links to teacher resources and much more

Judy O'Connell

Dr Mandy Lupton

Just Write For Kids (JWFK) was founded in 2014 as an online support group for writers and illustrators of children’s books to focus on achieving goals and connecting with others. Its rapid growth has brought many creative and knowledgeable people in the kidlit industry to the group, all being at differing stages of their publishing journeys. 

Note that as of February 2021, Mrs Mac's Library is no longer being updated.

Vanessa Ryan-Rendall