Shared resources: a mixed bag!

Go HERE for tech sites & resources :)

Over January my friend has been compiling lists of books to support you if you plan to explore the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals.  For each goal she has a blog post with a practical thinking activity for your students and a link to a set of picture books to support each goal. This is an amazing, practical, useful, worthwhile and I think, splendid resource which could save you hours of work and might assist with your planning for 2022.  I have pulled all of her 18 posts together (with permission) into one post with links to each goal and other resources. My friend suggests at least 15-20 picture books to use with each goal - I am sure one or two will be in your school library. All of this can be used from K-12. I think you will be amazed at the way you can talk about these huge issues with your youngest students. My friend works in a K-2 library but all of the books will generate deep discussions with older students too.  - Margot Lindgren (momo celebrating time to read)

For over 20 years Emerging Minds has been dedicated to advancing the mental health and emotional wellbeing of Australian infants, children, adolescents and their families. 

Sharing stories is an ancient and multi-functional tradition that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities have shared for over 60,000 years.

Through the telling and retelling of these interconnected stories, children learn valuable lessons about their responsibilities to their family, community and the land. These stories were and continue to be vital in the sustainability and prosperity of the world’s oldest continuous culture.

Yarning for well-being and more resources.

Disclaimer - This is my personalised list of texts. My purpose for developing this list was to deepen my understanding of rich text and support my teaching of English, History, Geography, Science and Maths. This list isn't a definitive list and may not be accurate.

Also it doesn't reflect the opinions or judgements of my employer.

I would love you to add to this list, so please email/inbox me your suggestions.

Referenced - "Suggested Texts for the English K–10 Syllabus", Christine Fraser's "Books and More Books for Key English Concepts", Lizzie Chase's book lists, Guide to Using Picture Books in Geography K–10, Guide to Using Picture Books in History K–10, online blogs and professional fb group posts. - Shellie Tancred. See Shelley's 21st Centry Learning Snapshot for loads of amazing resources and links

OMG - I'd forgotten about this site - a veritable treasure trove. Dive in!


Visuwords represents language visually - very cool!

Promoting Group Work - tips for teachers

ABC Education


Thousands of free curriculum-linked resources for school teachers and students!

Penguin Australia YouTube channel: 51 read alouds

Michael Chin: Tarrawanna PS

Dewey shelf signage

Stacey Wilson: Wattawa Heights PS

non fiction signs.pdf

Ideas for Promoting Books

How do you promote new books to your staff?

For library lovers: a brief story outline written on the heart, the book in a paper bag, a bit of Valentine bling and these disappear in a day!

Turn off the classroom lights, lower the shades and have students grab a comfy spot. Reading by flashlight is not only an exciting treat, but it literally focuses students’ attention on the book in front of them. 

From We Are Teachers

Story boxes are a combination of books and play items that bring the story to life; they make it meaningful, real and interesting. 

This information is from the Paths to Literacy site for student who are blind or visually impaired.

What is 100WC?

Can you create the most epic book talk in less than a minute?  Give it a try!  Choose a book for kids and talk about it without giving too much away. Write a script & speak with passion. You only have 30 seconds! 

How to Make a Digital Bookshelf in Google Slides

Use these sites to create your own promotional posters

Block Posters lets you make your own custom posters at home for free. 

Be aware of copyright restrictions if you use images that are not your own!

Best End of Year activities
