A Virtual Book Week?

Email tlccin2018@gmail.com with your suggested for virtual Book Week events. Too many of us are stressing about providing something for our students in this most unusual time, so please share!

Pre-recorded virtual author visits - check these out!

Lizzie Chase: West Ryde PS

Book Week 2021 Online Grid Vn2 1.docx

Jennifer Holland: Hawker PS, ACT

Book Week Online.docx

Katrina Cunningham: Penola Catholic College

Remote Reading Bingo (1).pdf

Katrina Cunningham: Penola Catholic College

Dress Up Ideas (that you don't need to leave the house for!).pdf

Amy Sivanandan: Toukley PS

Book week activities.pdf

Sharlene Evans: The Entrance PS


Leanne Heffernan: Yowie Bay PS

Yowie Bay PS Book Week 2021 

Sharyn Pearson: Eastern Creek PS

Here is a Book Character Design and Make Task with 3 options for students to make something book character related for a virtual parade, in PFD and Word (to edit). Hopefully this will take the pressure off costumes in lockdown by providing several options. 

Book Character Design and Make Task.pdf
Book Character Design and Make Task.docx

Nicole Atkins: The Australian School, Hong Kong

We held our Book Week (BW) in the original week planned, Term 3. 

Pre-K -Year 6, 4 x classes per grade, Year 6 Library Leaders-25

Students dressed up in their costume for the BW assembly

Class teachers, specialist teachers, primary exec, teaching assistants all joined in the fun for Book Week (and dressed up too!)

Shortlisted Books/Voting

These were read live (to each class via Zoom during lessons) or available on Storybox Library. 

Students voted via google form or via poll for younger students during live zoom library lessons in the week before Book Week.

Author Visit-Zoom

We had Deb Abela visit three different year levels. I sent Deb my Zoom Link and she shared her screen and had control over everything at her end. Deb was amazing! 

Virtual Book Parade

We made two videos K-2 and 3-6 (due to student numbers-the video would have been too long to one). 

I asked parents to take a photo/5 second video of their child dressed in their Book Week costume with the book (if they had it). These were submitted via google form and saved in folder (settings were private so parents couldn’t see all images submitted) Parents had to give consent for the photo to be used, eg Photo Consent Statement: 

By submitting my photograph, I confirm my consent for name of school to use my photograph in the Book Week video. I acknowledge that the inclusion of my photographs is at the discretion of name of school. I understand that this video will be shared with the school and wider community. 

A video with accompanying music (free from copyright) was created and these were presented at the relevant Year level assemblies.  

Here are some ideas for competitions which can be presented virtually. Add yours!

Where in the World - book hunt

Rather than identify the teacher's location, identify the book. provide the title and students need to supply the location. You decide if it is one or more locations; you may decide to pinpoint a specific event in the book.

If you are able to provide an example or more detail for this idea, please email and it will be added!