PDP - so we continually grow

And your PDP suggestions are...??

PDP goal and suggestions for how to get there...

Develop an understanding of the Information Fluency Framework and how it can be applied to my library setting and programs

  • enrol in relevant PD, eg the PLCC's presentation/workshop

  • undertake professional learning when available from the Department

  • contact TLs from the pilot project for support

Increase my knowledge and understanding of copyright in order to maintain my school's compliancy and keep staff and students updated on current conditions

  • enrol in the Copyright for Educators course - see https://bitly.com/

  • deliver current copyright information to staff at a staff PD session

  • embed copyright awareness in student learning programs

Have a Stage 3 focus on high school readiness with information and digital literacy units of work

Create/locate/adapt units of work that enable all students to achieve a degree of competency in the online environment; consider

Integrate ICT into all library lessons for basic library skills acquisition

Improve my ability to differentiate my teaching practise so this is reflected in my program and the library, with the result that more children are engaged with the library program and begin to view themselves as successful readers

  • consult with staff who have successfully differentiated programs; observe their teaching practise

  • attend related TPL

Survey students about their reading habits using a Google form to track responses; use the results to strengthen our school's reading culture by targeting purchases and activities to engage student readers

  • increase my proficiency within the Google Suite by attending relevant TPL

Improve literacy rates for indigenous girls in our school community

Extend my professional development and collaboration with teacher librarians from other NSW schools by attending NESA accredited or TIPD identified workshops [ you will need to provide a focus]

Increase my understanding of the Guided Inquiry process in order to better plan and deliver quality and engaging information literacy lessons to students

  • attend SYBA Academy Guided Inquiry Design seminars

  • source other relevant TPL by recognised practitioners

Increase my understanding of the Oliver system and how this can enhance both my teaching and support of teaching staff

  • identify, enrol in and attend relevant Oliver courses

Promote reading for enjoyment in all classes. Increase student borrowing for Year 3-6 by 5-10%: Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) 7.4.2

Improve student literature comprehension skills as assessed by the literacy pro test for students in Years 3-6 by encouraging students, improving access to resources, and assisting staff. Improve student results by 5-10%. APST 2.5, 3.1 Improve future focused learning outcomes for all students by integrating various skills into all relevant lessons. APST 3.4.2, 4.5.2

Build resources to cater for classroom teachers in line with current scope and sequence documents and increase the use of library resources by teaching and support staff, as evidenced through Oliver data: APST 3.4.3

Review and update our school library policy, bringing it into line with current best practice

Increase my understanding of the Guided Inquiry process in order to better plan and deliver quality and engaging information literacy lessons to students. This will develop students who are highly engaged and challenged learners. Integrate ICT into library lessons for basic library skills acquisition and support both students and teachers to develop and extend their skillset with effective and integrative use of technology by collaboratively teaching in the library. This will maintain and develop high levels of engagement with safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT

(Standards 2.6.2,2.6.3, 3.1.2, 3.2.3, 3.4.2, 4.5.2)

Enrol in Guided Inquiry Design seminars source other relevant TPL by recognised practitioners. Create/locate/adapt units of work that enable all students to achieve a degree of competency in the online environment; consider guided inquiry units Smartcopy units.

Familiarise students and staff with the Oliver LMS.

Develop an understanding of the Information Fluency Framework and how it can be applied to my library setting and all school programs.

(Standards 2.1.3, 2.2.3, 2.6.3, 3.4.3)

Enrol in relevant PD, eg the PLCC's presentation/workshop. Attend Statewide Teacher Librarian meetings remain informed. Planning and collaborative teaching time with all stages to integrate IFF (Information Fluency Framework) into programs. Undertake professional learning when available from the Department, Contact TLs from the pilot project for support.

Extend my knowledge and establish collaborative connections with fellow Teacher Librarians to develop my skills and knowledge as a specialist teacher. Extend my professional development and collaboration with teacher librarians from other NSW schools by attending NESA accredited or TIPD identified workshops. This includes Learn Path.

(Standards 2.1.2, 2.2.3, 2.3.3, 3.4.3, 6.2.2, 6.4.2)

Attend regular Teacher Librarian Network meetings locally, regionally, state and nationally.

Review and update our school library policy, bringing it into line with current best practice. Collate and use Oliver reports to collect data about the use of the library to effectively develop a Collection Development Policy and a Library Strategic Plan to ensure the library meets the needs of all stakeholders

(Standards 5.5.2, 3.6.2, 7.1.3)

Consult NSW DET templates and ASLA's Policy Development Manual- review multiple library policies and engage in discussions with other teacher librarians. Extra admin time to complete the policies.