Tristan Bancks

Welcome to 

Tristan Bancks' backpack!

Tristan's books were generously donated by

Scar Town and other backpack contents were donated by the PLCC

Backpack Contents

Information folder

+     6 books!

Hatchet - this inspired Tristan's writing

Ultimate Pranking Guide - enough said!

police gear - hat, shirt, handcuffs, stolen cash!

nit caps

fake poop

Your feedback, suggestions and additions to this backpack will make it a more useful resource for future borrowers.

Teacher Resources

TN_Ginger Meggs..pdf

The charity Tristan supports

Feedback from students and TLs...

Jordan Springs PS

Torrens PS

I was lucky enough to have the Banck's Backpack this term with Year 6 classes in our Library sessions. These were some of the best Library sessions I have ever had with Year 6 - they were super engaged, motivated and inspired. All of the library copies of Tristan's books are on reserve with Year 6s patiently (mostly) waiting for their turn to read and borrow.