G Standing Waves Lab
Standing waves (Any open area for the first one, and with a Chromebook at your desk)
Both ends fixed:
Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iKbv_8f5KQ
Do that with a small spring - see if you can get the first three modes of resonance.
Click Here to launch the "Wave on a String" PhET
Click the play button to run the PHET
At the top click "Oscillate", "Fixed End", and at the bottom, set the amplitude to 0.16 cm, and the frequency to 0.41 Hz, the damping to "None" and the Tension to "High"
This is the fundamental frequency (fo) of both ends fixed for this string. The standing waves (resonances) follow a pattern of 1fo, 2fo, 3fo ...
See what happens when you change the frequency from 0.41 to 0.82 and 1.23 Hz (Hit "Restart" when you change the frequencies)
Draw a picture of the first three modes of resonance of both ends fixed
One end fixed:
Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7sjZ0ZOkhs
Click Here to launch the "Wave on a String" PhET
At the top click "Oscillate", "Loose End", and at the bottom, set the amplitude to 0.16 cm, and the frequency to 0.21 Hz, the damping to "None" and the Tension to "High"
Hit "Restart" at the top
This is the fundamental frequency (fo) of one end fixed for this string. The standing waves (resonances) follow a pattern of 1fo, 3fo, 5fo ... so these will be 0.21 Hz, 0.63Hz, and 1.05 Hz
See if you can get those resonances by changing the frequency. (Hit "Restart" every time you make a change)
Draw a picture of the first three modes of resonance of one end fixed
Both ends free:
Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QotfmiDDzLw
Draw a picture of the first three modes of resonance of both ends free (sorry)