Moving Plots Lab

Download the handout: Lab-MovingPlots.pdf 

Read the handout - it has the questions you need to answer.  

Analyzing the Tape, part 3:   

Analyzing the Tape part 4a:    

Analyzing the Tape part 4b::   

Write up:

Tangent Lines:    


C.  Log-Log:    


D. Linearization:    


(A sentence comparing)    

The stuff you turn in on Paper:

Velocity graph and data and calculations.  Print these on the same page to save trees.

I have two sentences comparing the slope calculations to the velocities in the data table.  Notice that I have cited data.

The overwrought sentences comparing the accelerations are going to go in your spreadsheet and they are going to be your own words.

Position graph with tangent lines

Print this on its own page because you need to do tangent lines

This is what the spreadsheet looks like:

Here is how to make the spreadsheet in Google Docs.  (You will need to use a PC in my room to print out your graphs)

Data and Calculations:

Making the Position Time graph:

Making the Velocity graph:

Remember - you will need to print from a PC in the back of the room.  Log into your Google drive, and print one page for your data and your velocity graph, and one page for your position graph.  I think "Landscape" orientation is the best for these.

Here is the Setup:  You use a 500 gram mass with a clamp and clip it to the tape (Shiny side out) turn on the timer on 60 Hz, and drop it.

Here is how to do the tangent lines: (2016 on - your numbers will look different...)

Here is how to figure out the bit about acceleration: (2016 on - your numbers will look different...)

Old stuff

Here is how to make the spreadsheet in Excel: