G Momentum Test

Four pages, cross off 1 full page. Here is what to study from your homework

Page 1 - Like Impulse and Momentum worksheet - including a rocket taking off from the earth like I&M#1, 4, 7, 11, 15

Page 2 - Bullet going through blocks of wood - Like SOCOM #3, Mock Test #1

Page 3 -Rocket taking off from the earth - like I&M #11-15 (Very like Mock Test #2, and I&M #15)

Page 4 -Red Elk jumps from cart to cart - like SOCOM #1, 2 (More like #2)


MOMENTUM MOCK TEST! Download the mock test: Misc-MomentumMockTest.docx

1. Two 400 g blocks of wood are at rest on that by now familiar frictionless surface. A 78 g bullet initially going 890 m/s goes through both blocks. Following this, the first block is moving 7 m/s, and the second 4 m/s. Neither the bullet nor the blocks lose any pieces.

    1. What is the velocity of the bullet after going through both blocks?

    2. What was the bullet’s velocity between the blocks?

    3. How much kinetic energy did the bullet have before entering the first block? How much kinetic energy did it have after it went through the first block?(mass in kg)

    4. If the bullet exerted 5150 N on the first block, how long did the bullet take to go through it?

A=834 m/s B=854 m/s C=30,892 J, 28,443 J D=0.00054 s

Murray Solving This Question in a really boring way:



2. A rocket has a total mass of 20 kg. The weight of the actual rocket itself is 8 kg. It consumes the fuel in 4.7 seconds, generating 1290 N of thrust as it takes off from EARTH vertically upward.

    1. What is mass of the fuel? What’s the burn rate?

    2. What is the velocity of the exhaust gasses leaving the engine?

    3. What are the initial and final accelerations of the rocket? (Just like I&M, don’t forget gravity)

    4. If the rocket burned the same fuel in the same time, but the exhaust velocity changed to 1778 m/s, what is the thrust force of the engine?

A=12 kg, 2.55 kg/s B=506 m/s C=54.7 m/s2, 151 m/s2 D=4539 N

Yeah - Another boring solution.....



You should also spend time looking at questions like Thor and Priscilla on the carts….because I see someone in the distance on some carts, preparing to jump….could it be……is it really him????????