
Download the Worksheet: Worksheet-Doppler.docx

1. A car with a horn frequency of 240 Hz approaches you at 29 m/s. Doppler #1

2. A person hums at 150 Hz while driving away from you at 35 m/s. What frequency do you hear? Doppler #2

3. Your dad is singing at 356 Hz, and you run away from him at 11 m/s. What frequency do you hear? Doppler #3

4. You are riding on a train going 45 m/s. As you approach a crossing, there is a bell with a frequency of 880 Hz. What frequency do you hear? Doppler #4

5. A salsa band is running away from you at 14 m/s. If you hear a pitch of 180 Hz, what frequency are they really playing? Doppler #5

6. You hear a pitch of 420 Hz as a car with a man standing on the roof playing a flugelhorn approaches you at 24 m/s. What frequency is the man really creating? Doppler #6

7. You are riding a rocket-propelled skateboard at 57 m/s toward a television playing a Lawrence Welk re-run. If you hear a pitch of 516 Hz, what is the real pitch the television is making? Doppler #7

8. You are in a motorboat going 21 m/s away from a foghorn. You hear it at a pitch of 87 Hz, so what pitch is it really creating? Doppler #8

9. If you hear a frequency of 253 Hz as you listen to a middle C (261 Hz) being played on a piano that is on a flatbed train car, is the car going toward you or away, and how fast? Doppler #9

10. If a car 217 Hz car horn is heard at 223 Hz, is the car approaching you or receding from you, and what is its speed? Doppler #10

11. You are riding in a train with a blindfold on, and you hear an 880 Hz crossing bell, but it appears to have a pitch of only 835 Hz. Are you moving toward or away from the bell, and how fast? Doppler #11

12. How fast and in what direction (away or toward) do you have to run relative to a concertmaster playing an A 440 Hz so that you hear it at 475 Hz? Doppler #12

13. You are driving at 27 m/s toward an oncoming driver on a highway. They are approaching you at 43 m/s. (a tad in excess of the speed limit) You honk at them with your 318 Hz horn to indicate your dissatisfaction with their driving habits. What frequency do they hear? Doppler #13

14. You are driving your Porsche at 57 m/s on the Autobahn and you come behind a Prius in the left lane going only 35 m/s. You honk your 421 Hz horn at them. What frequency do they hear? Doppler #14

15. A bat flying at 17 m/s is approaching a moth flying toward the bat at 7.0 m/s. If the bat generates an echolocation frequency of 82,500 Hz, what frequency does the bat hear reflected off the moth? Doppler #15