Magnetism and Induction

Syllabus, Handouts and PowerPoints for this unit: Calendar | Handouts | Lectures

Labs for this unit: Magnet Design Lab .:. Magnaprobe Lab .:. Specific Heat of Water .:. Index of Refraction

Labs for this unit: Faraday's Law .:. Faraday's Law ILD

Homework Problems: Ch 20: 3, 9, 16 Ch 21: 5, 13, 15

Group Quizzes: 20ABCD .:. 21ABCEF

Ch 20 Assessments: 20.1-Right Hand Rules .:. 20.2-Forces on Wires and Particles .:. 20.3-Ampere's Law

Ch 21 Assessments: 21.1-Lenz's Law .:. 21.2-Faraday's Law

Study for the: IB Magnetism Test

Chapter 20: Magnetism

20A. Basic Magnetism, and Right Hand Rules for magnetic fields

1.Right Hand Rule for the force a magnetic field exerts on a current carrying wire:

2. Right hand rule for the magnetic field around a wire:

3. Right Hand Rule for finding the North pole of a current carrying wire loop:

4. Solving "Map" problems (NESW):

20B. Calculating the magnitude of the force on current carrying wires


Calculating Magnetic Force on a Wire:

20C. Solve problems with moving particles in a magnetic field.

(Be sure to watch all 3 parts)


Part 1: Calculating the force on a moving charged particle in a magnetic field:

Part 2: Relating magnetic force to centripetal force, and doing calculations with radius of path:

Particle accelerators that use magnetic fields to make charged particles go in circles:

Why the Northern lights are Northern (or Southern):

20D. Solve problems with crossed fields


Part 1: The directions in Crossed Fields problems.


Part 2: Solving Problems with crossed E and B fields:

Mass Spectrometers:

20E. Understand the Hall effect.

20F. Understand how magnetization works with domains and hysteresis


How those freaking magnets work:

20G. Apply magnetism to understand how galvanometers, speakers and motors work.


Motors, Galvanometers, and Speakers:

20H. Apply Ampere's law to a long straight wire and solenoids:


Ampere's Law for B field around a wire:

Solving for the magnetic force between two current-carrying wires:

Applying Ampere's Law to Solenoids:

20I. Define the Ampere in terms of meters and Newtons


The definition of an Ampere: (memorize this)

20K. Understand the basic magnetic field lines around long solenoids, flat solenoids, and straight wires.


Common B field Patterns:

Chapter 21: Induction

21A. Predicting the direction of current induced by changing magnetic flux using Lenz's Law


Direction of induced currents:

21B. Use Faraday's Law to calculate EMFs and Currents in loops or solenoids.


Faraday's Law for loops:

21C. Use Faraday's Law to calculate EMFs on moving conductors.


Part 1 - EMF in Moving Conductors:

Part 2 - Direction of EMF in Moving Conductors

21D. Use Faraday's Law to calculate EMF generated by an alternator.

21E. Use Faraday's Law to calculate voltages and currents in transformers.


Solving for Voltage, Current and Power in Transformers:

21F. Calculate the power loss on transmission lines and show why we transmit AC power at high voltages.

21G. Have a basic understanding about Maxwell's Equations

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