Atomic and Nuclear Mock Paper 2


Add objectives, updated problems, and updated book sections.


Do all of section A, and 2 out of 3 in section B


27:18a - Chapter 27, problem 18, part a

27-3 - conceptual question regarding material in section 27-3 in your book

PQ27#4 - PreQuiz 27, problem 4

Section A – Photoelectric graph

(a) – Explain how the apparatus works (read section 27-3)

(b) – Make a graph of photoelectric data with uncertainties (Like graph lab)

(c) – Calculate the best guess, min and max gradients (slopes) (Like graph lab)

(d) – Calculate Planck’s constant from slopes (Like graph lab)

(e) – Unrelated photoelectric effect problem (like Problem 27:18a – 0.70 eV and like PQ27#3)

(f) – What are the different predictions made by photon and wave theories regarding the photoelectric effect. (read section 27-3)

Section B – B1, B2, B3 do 2 out of 3:

Question B1 – Closest approach, photon energy and momentum

(a) – Distance of closest approach. (Like Example 1 from the “Rutherford and Bohr” noteguide, like PQ27#4)

(b) – Conceptual question about the effect of the atomic number of the bombarded nucleus.

(c) – Photon energy from wavelength (like problem 27:12 – 1.77 eV, 3.10 eV, Like PQ27#2)

(d) – Photon momentum using de Broglie equation (Like PQ27#5 but easier)

(e) – Net force exerted on surface by photons (Like problem 27:72 – 5.3x1018 photons/sec - this is solved on the Wiki here)

(f) – Conceptual question about momentum (reflection versus absorption)

Question B2 – Radioactive decay

(a) – Question about isotopes (read section 30-1)

(b) – Balance a complete beta decay reaction including neutrinos vs anti neutrinos (top of page 927) (read section 30-5)

(c) – Draw a graph of the decay based on the half life (like the graph in the “Decay rates” noteguide)

(d) – Calculate the decay constant from the half life (like problem 30:37 in reverse)

(e) – What is the activity after a certain amount of time? (like problem 30:44c – 5.7x1013 decays/sec and Like PQ30#5)

(f) – Time to reach a certain activity. (like problem 30:44d – 25.5 min and Like PQ30#5)

(g) – Conceptual question on radioactive decay (read section 30-3)

Question B3 – Nuclear reactions

(a) – Balance a nuclear fission reaction (read section 31-2, Like PQ30#2)

(b) – Calculate the energy released by the reaction (like problem 31:17 (solved on the Wiki here) , Like PQ30#4)

(c) – Calculate the mass of fuel needed to create a certain power for a year. (like problem 31:20 – 0.116 g - This is solved on the Wiki here)

(d) – Advantages of nuclear power (read section 31-2 and 15-12)

(e) – Drawbacks of nuclear power (read section 31-2 and 15-12)

(f) – Fusion vs fission (read sections 31-2, 3)

(g) – What factors must be present for fusion to occur (read section 31-3)