Max and Min Slope

Once you have a linear graph with error bars and a trendline, we will need to use a brute force method to calculate the uncertainty of the slope.  We will do that by adding a steepest possible line, and a least steep line that we can eyeball through the data and its error bars, and then find the slope of those lines using where they intersect the plot frame and the gridlines.  The slope will then be the trendline slope plus or minus half the range of the min and max slopes:

Slope = <trendline slope>   +/-   (max slope  -  min slope)


Honestly - If you are going to do max and min slopes - Print it out, and do the max and min slopes by hand with a straight edge and a pen.  We can either take a picture, or scan it into the document.

Here is are videos of how to do this with Google Sheets:

Drawing the lines:

Calculating the slope uncertainty:

Make a copy of this spreadsheet Here and add the lines like I do in the video, and then screenshot the graph into the document attached to this assignment, and do the calculations I do to find the the max, min and uncertainty of the slope.

Honestly - If you are going to do max and min slopes - Print it out, and do the max and min slopes by hand with a straight edge and a pen.  We can either take a picture, or scan it into the document.