IB Thermodynamics Questions

Get the whole packet: IBThermoQuestions-11p.pdf Browse the questions and markschemes Here (There are more there than I assigned)

M17-3-2 #9 Heat Engine
Question | Markscheme | Videos: Part a i | Part a ii | Part a iii | Part a iv | Part b

SPEC-3-0 #9 Cycle ABCA of a heat engine
Question | Markscheme| Videos: Part a | Part b | Part c | Part d | Part e

M17-3-1 #8 P-V diagram of the Carnot Cycle
Question | Markscheme | Videos: Part ab | Part c i | Part c ii | Part d i | Part d ii | Part e

N18-3-0 #9 pV diagram of a heat engine
Question | Markscheme | Videos: Part a | Part b | Part c