IB 1 Quarter 1

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Help Videos:

Projectile Motion (M12|2|1 #B1P2)
All Parts

Lucy Cliff (M11|2|2 #A2)
All Parts

Girl Cliff (M02|2|0 #A2)
All Parts

Stone Cliff (N00|2|0 #B3)
All Parts

Sphere Projected Horizontally (M10|2|1 #B2P2)
All Parts

Skier on Hill (M15|2|1 #2)
Parts ab
Parts cd

Tennis Ball (N16|2|0 #1)
Part a
Part b

Curling (N16|2|0 #2)
Part a
Part b
Part c

Drop Tower (SPEC|2|0 #1)
Part a
Parts bc
Part d (Look up the value of "R" in the data packet)
Part e

Acceleration of Gravity (SPEC|3|0 #2)
Parts ab