Study For The Waves Test

Also See the Review PowerPoint I made for this test - it is most excellent.

Cross off one:

(Links take you to video solutions of sample problems)

1. Laser beam strikes oil at an angle - VERY much like PreQuiz 12.3 - except for part E)

A) What is the Frequency of the light (PQ 12.3#3) Prequiz 12.3#3

B) What is the wavelength of the laser light in the oil? (PQ 12.3#3) Prequiz 12.3#3

C) Draw a picture of refraction/calculate the angle.(11-13, PQ 12.3#4) HTPIB12 Prequiz 12.3#4

D) Critical Angle (23Prob, 23Prob, PQ 12.3#5) HTPIB12 Prequiz 12.3#5

E) Double Polarizer question - (like example 24 -11 on p. 686) Polarization Example 3

2. Standing Waves (VERY much like PreQuiz 12.1)

A) Sketch the first three modes of resonance on the string.

Find their wavelength and frequency. (11-12) (PQ 12.1#1) HTPIB12 PreQuiz 12.1-#1 and #2

B) What is the velocity of the waves on the string? (PQ 12.1#2) HTPIB12 PreQuiz 12.1-#1 and #2

C) What is the frequency if fingered? (PQ 12.1#3) HTPIB12 PreQuiz 12.1-#3

D) Drawing wave patterns and finding wavelength on open and closed end pipes. Standing Waves-Both Ends Free Standing Waves-One End Fixed

E) Random standing wave problem. (PQ 12.1#5) StandingWaves #12 HTPIB12 PreQuiz 12.1-#5

3. Doppler effect (A, B, C are VERY much like PreQuiz 12.2)

A) Find frequency (Ch 12:51, PQ12.2#2, #4) Doppler #2

B) Find velocity (PQ 12.2#3, #5) Doppler #10

C) Find velocity (PQ 12.2#3, #5) Doppler #11

D) If the wavelength is shortened to __ in front of the plane, what is the wavelength behind. (Look at slide 21 of the Review PowerPoint)

E) Picture of Doppler effect waves as circles from PowerPoint and lecture. (Look at slide 24 of the Review PowerPoint)

4. Two Source Interference

A) What is the frequency? Waves #10

B) Is it constructive or destructive interference (PQ12.3#1 - also like whiteboards) HTPIB12 Prequiz 12.3#1

C) Is it constructive or destructive interference (PQ12.3#1 - also like whiteboards) (Look at slides 35 and 36 of the Review PowerPoint)

D) Angle of diffraction Diffraction Example 2

E) Rayleigh criterion problem Rayleigh Criterion Example 1

Key to references:

(PQ 12.3#3) - PreQuiz 12.3 number 3)

(11-13) – read and be able to apply section 11-13