Electrostatics and Field Theory

Syllabus, Handouts and PowerPoint lectures for this unit: Calendar | Handouts | Lectures

Labs: Millikan Prep | Millikan Oil Drop Lab (simulation) | PhET Lab | Electric Field Mapping | RC Circuit Lab

Problems from Chapter 16: 1, 3, 12, 17, 28, 36 

Problems from Chapter 17: 1, 5, 14, 21, 35, 46, 65

Help with: Group Quiz A-D .:. Group Quiz E-G .:. Group Quiz HIKLM .:. Group Quiz JQ

Help with: IB Field Theory Problems

Assessments: 16.1-Vector Force | 16.2-Vector Field | 17.1- Energy | 17.2-CRTs and Capacitors

Study for the: IB Field Theory Test

16A.    Understand basic quantities in electrostatics.

 16A - Basic quantities in Electrostatics 


16B.    Use Coulomb's Law to calculate forces of attraction and repulsion.

16C.    Understand methods of charging.

16D1.    Solve for forces in linear charge or mass arrays.

Forces in Linear Charge Arrays: 


16D2.    Solve problems involving vector forces in nonlinear arrays of charge or mass.

Vector Forces in Non Linear Charge Arrays: (1:56 intro) 


Solving Vector Forces in Non Linear Charge Arrays:

16E.    Do calculations with simple Electric and Gravitational field equations.

16F.    Calculate fields around point charges or masses.

 Fields around a Point Charge or Mass: 


16G1.    Calculate Electric and Gravitational fields in Linear Arrays

Electric Fields in a Linear Charge Array: 


16G2.    Calculate fields in a nonlinear array of charges or masses

Mass Array

These are old videos where I use Trig angles. You might like this method more than the SOH CAH TOA method I used in class

Electric Field In Arrays of Charge:


Step 0 - Figuring out the directions


Step 1 - Calculating the Magnitudes:


Step 2 - Finding the Trig Angles:


Step 3 - Do Vector Addition:


16H.    Solve simple problems with Potential.

 Simple Problems with Potential: 


16I.    Solve problems that relate Potential, Field, and Distance.

Potential, Field, Displacement: 


16J.    Solve problems with accelerated ions.

16K.    Calculate Potentials near a Point charge or mass.

 Potential Due to Point Masses or Charges: 


16L.     Calculate the potential due to an array of charges or masses.

16M.    Calculate the work needed to move a charge or mass in an array.

 Movement in a Point Field: 


16N.    Solve CRT Problems.

Solving Problems with Cathode Ray Tubes: (in 4 parts)


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

The Gorge

An Example Problem worked out in 3 parts:

CRT Example Part 1

CRT Example Part 2

CRT Example Part 3

Problem from the book:

Chapter 17: 65

16O.    Solve problems involving charge, voltage and energy with capacitors.

Part 1: Basic Capacitance:

Part 2: Capacitor Design:

Part 3: Capacitor Energy:

16P.    Solve for voltages and currents in an RC Circuit

 Solving for Voltage, charge, and current in discharging RC Circuits:

16Q.    Solve conservation of energy problems in electrical and gravitational fields.

 Conservation of Energy:

Recommended: (Examples with Gravity)

Crown Point

16R.    Understand basic field patterns - monopole, dipole, parallel plates.  Field Lines and Conductors

Field Lines: