IB Angular Momentum Lab


Your job here is to test two different models to explain the behavior of a mass on a string going in a circle when its radius is decreased.  We will use a video to measure the velocity of a spinning object on the end of a string before and after it is pulled in.  If you find that the velocity has changed, you will of course need to calculate the uncertainty of your answer to see if the velocity has changed by an amount that the uncertainty cannot account for.  (This is important)

This video  Cons. of Angular Momentum  had these Comments  Read the comments to the end - Eventually (after doing an experiment that proves his model wrong) I resort to virulent ad hominem attack  that I am not proud of. (John for his part calls me a "yanker")
Why the Velocity Must Increase - More comments

Model 1 - Constant Velocity Model (CV): (Proposed by John Mandlbaur)

The velocity remains constant.   Any change in velocity is illusory.  (i.e. It is still going the same speed when it is pulled in, but it has to go less distance per revolution, so it just looks like it is going faster, but it's not)

This model predicts that:
v1 = v2
Regardless of change in radius.  (i.e. Kinetic Energy is conserved)

Model 2 - Conservation of Angular Momentum (COAM): (Proposed by Sir Isaac Newton)

The angular momentum remains constant.  L = Iw:
I1w1 = I2w2
(mr2)(v/r) = (mr2)(v/r)
and finally
r1v1 = r2v2
So if you reduce the radius the velocity will increase.   (If you cut the radius in half when you pull the mass in, the velocity will double)

These models have very different predictions if you pull a mass in.  (The rubber stopper cannot both remain at a constant velocity, and also speed up)  We are going to use the Vernier Video Analysis App to test these two hypotheses.  Since both models have testable predictions, they are scientific models.  

Directions for getting data:

Directions for Calculating the Velocity before and after:

Your completed lab must include:

E.C.  - We are really just trying to test the Mandlbaur model for this.  (i.e. the velocity either is or is not the same before and after).  For extra credit, calculate the value of (Radius)x(Velocity) before and after.  Also calculate the uncertainty of these values.  Sir Isaac Newton's model of Conservation of Angular Momentum says these should be the same.  Write a sentence or two about these calculations citing data.  Do they lie within their uncertainty of each other?  Show your calculations.

Remember - we only disprove models or hypotheses in science.  Results can support a particular model or not.  

Old Videos

Comments from YouTube:

4 years ago

 M. van Heerden  The “chase” you are cutting to is exactly what I have been describing. It is an appeal to tradition logical fallacy. You are not addressing my argument logically, you are merely contradicting my conclusion which is a formal logic fallacy. It is illogical to contradict the conclusion of a logical argument.

To address a logical argument, it is necessary to show false premisses or show illogic or accept the conclusion drawn. You have not shown false premiss, you have not shown illogic. Therefore you must accept the conclusion drawn, otherwise you are evading my argument.

Your suggestion that the extra energy exerted by the professor will correlate with the change in (angular) energy predicted is simply false. It is an unconfirmed hypothesis. There is no scientific experiment which directly confirms that angular momentum is conserved in a variable radii system. ie: You are making unsupported claims.

There is however empirical evidence which confirms my claims exactly. If we are to conserve angular energy then the perpendicular component of velocity will remain constant in magnitude. We can then apply the equation W=v/r to the circular motion before and to the circular motion after the radius change. So my prediction when we halve the radius is that W will double as opposed to the current physics prediction that W will quadruple. W=v/r, so halving the magnitude of the radius and keeping the velocity constant in magnitude will result in doubling the angular velocity.

I assure you that any conservative measurement that we make of any reasonable ball on a string demonstration will result in a two fold increase to W if we are to reduce the radius to half. I have presented such an experiment by a third party experimenter which confirms my prediction exactly. Please see example 2 here: www.baur-research.com/Physics/measure.html. At 5:40 he announces his genuine result. He is so shocked to discover that angular momentum is not conserved that he begins yanking harder and harder until he can achieve his desired result but he never actually achieves it because he overshoots. In any event, measurements made while under the influence of motivated reasoning are not valid. The only reliable, repeatable, genuine and valid result is the initial result provided at 5:40. This result is exactly a two fold increase which is exactly what I predict.

If you cannot show invalid premisses or illogic, then addressing my argument requires that you accept the conclusion drawn.

Please address my argument?

Where we stand right now is that I have provided a logical proof which remains undefeated and there is third party empirical confirmation which is not contested by any counter evidence.

This is as far as there is to go in science. 

As things stand, it is a scientifically proven fact that angular momentum is not conserved because angular energy is.

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Hey John - I actually did a little experiment - to test these two models.  Yours, that the mass on the string does not increase its velocity when it is pulled in, and the model of conservation of angular momentum, that the velocity of the mass times its radius remains constant.  (i.e. if you pull it halfway in, the velocity will double)  You can read the paper I wrote here: 


You can access the videos I made and the spreadsheet I used here:


The experiment is far better controlled and more carefully measured than the one you cite as a refutation of hundreds of years of well accepted classical physics.  

In short - I disprove entirely the constant velocity model, and there is room in the error bars for the theoretical model.  SO angular momentum seems to be conserved after all.

I am sure that you consider yourself a rational man. I ask that you consider what I have to say with an open and rational  mind.


4 years ago (edited)

 @TheAnimammal  SO here we are:

I have a model that is

1. Well accepted and settled science

2. Supported by a carefully executed experiment

3. Consistent with the Work-Energy Theorem

4. Agrees with Newton's Laws of motion

You have a model that

1. Refutes hundreds of years of basic fundamental Physics

2. Is based on nothing

3. Violates the Work-Energy Theorem

4. Violates Newton's Laws

5. Is refuted by my careful experiment

I am now going to resort to the most virulent ad hominem attack possible:  (You have forced me to this - Trigger warning - what follows is not pretty)

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!


Hey - We are all going to test your scientific model: https://sites.google.com/a/ttsd.k12.or.us/tuhsphysics/home/htp-ib-physics/rotational-mechanics/ib-angular-momentum-lab?authuser=0. Check out the new lab.  They are going to spin the stopper on a string and do video analysis.  They can calculate the velocity before and after pulling it in.  They will also calculate their uncertainty.  May the best model win.  The velocity either stays the same, or it does not. @TheAnimammal