
Ideas for IA:

Electricity and Magnetism

  • Determine how the magnetic field changes with distance from a straight current carrying wire/from the pole of a magnet

  • Determine how the magnetic field around an iron core magnet changes with current

  • Number of windings and magnetic field

  • Determine how the force of magnetic repulsion changes with distance

  • Determine the effect of temperature/current on resistivity/resistance

  • Determine the effect of the voltage applied to a motor and its RPMs

  • Determine the effect of velocity on the force of eddy current damping on an airtrack

  • Determine the effect of an iron core on the magnetic field generated

Fluid mechanics

  • Determine the effect of the area of a sail on the wind resistance

  • Determine the effect of velocity on wind resistance

  • Determine the relationship between temperature and viscosity for corn syrup/motor oil/etc

  • Determine the effect of the power supplied to a heater and its temperature

  • Determine the effect of hole size on the time it takes half the water to empty from a bucket

  • Determine the effect of dilution on the time it takes corn syrup to flow from a container/viscosity

  • Determine the effect of angle of attack on dynamic wind force

  • Determine the effect of tube length on the flowrate of water for a given pressure

  • Determine the effect of weight on terminal velocity

  • Determine the effect of pressure on the velocity of a water jet

  • Height of drop vs water splashed out of bucket

  • Drop height and crater depth/width/volume

  • Paper helicopter wing length/width and rate of descent

  • Depth of water, and force needed to pull a boat at a certain speed

Mechanical systems

  • Determine the effect of the pressure in an air launcher, and the launch velocity

  • Determine the effect of projectile mass/counterweight mass on the range/launch velocity of a trebuchet (simulation?)

  • Determine the effect of the draw distance on the launch velocity of an arrow/sling shot

  • Determine the effect of drop height on the percent of rebound height/Time to stop bouncing

  • Determine the effect of drop height on the time it takes to bounce five times

  • Determine the effect of flowrate on waterwheel velocity

  • Determine the effect of the amount of water in an air rocket, and its launch velocity

  • Bicycle speed vs stopping distance

  • Dominoes speed vs spacing

  • Estimating the height between two floors from Force plate or accelerometer data

  • How is the dent in clay affected by the height of drop

SHM and waves:

  • Determine the effect of distance from the source on light intensity

  • Determine the effect of temperature on the resonant frequency of a sound tube

  • Determine the effect of mass/pivot position on the period of a physical pendulum (simulation?)

  • Determine the effect of damping on the decay envelope of a simple harmonic oscillator

  • Determine the effect of mass on the period of a simple harmonic oscillator

  • Determine the effect of amplitude on the period of a pendulum

  • Determine the effect of sugar concentration on the refractive index of water

  • Determine the effect of tension on the pitch of a string

  • Depth of water and speed of ripples on surface

Thermal Physics:

  • Temperature loss with time

  • Rate of evaporation and surface area exposed

  • Electrical heater power supplied and equilibrium temperature